
Yale vs Notre Dame (Nov 18, 2005)

Soccer Box Score

                            Soccer Box Score (Final)
                      2005 Notre Dame Women's Soccer Stats
        #22 Yale vs #5 Notre Dame (Nov 18, 2005 at Notre Dame, Indiana)

Yale (15-4-1) vs.                                           Goals by period       1  2  Tot
Notre Dame (22-2-0)                                         -------------------------------
Date: Nov 18, 2005  Attendance: 768                         Yale................  1  1 -  2
Weather:                                                    Notre Dame..........  3  2 -  5

Yale                                                    Notre Dame
Pos ## Player                Sh SOG  G  A Min           Pos ## Player                Sh SOG  G  A Min
---------------------------------------------           ---------------------------------------------
G   1  Chloe Beizer........   -   -  -  -  45           G   1  Erika Bohn..........   -   -  -  -  90
D   3  Hayley Zevenbergen..   -   -  -  -  90           F   2  Kerri Hanks.........   5   3  2  -  70
M   4  Christina Huang.....   -   -  -  -  90           D   4  Kim Lorenzen........   -   -  -  -  90
M   13 Laurel Karnes.......   3   2  1  -  90           F   5  Amanda Cinalli......   2   1  1  1  53
D   16 Eleni Benson........   -   -  -  -  90           F   7  Katie Thorlakson....   2   -  -  3  80
F   20 Mimi Macauley.......   1   -  -  -  72           D   8  Candace Chapman.....   1   -  -  -  46
D   21 Mary Kuder..........   -   -  -  -  90           M   9  Jen Buczkowski......   3   1  -  -  84
D   25 Natasha Mann........   -   -  -  -  89           M   10 Brittany Bock.......   2   1  1  -  62
M   26 Maggie Westfal......   -   -  -  -  68           D   18 Christie Shaner.....   2   1  -  1  90
F   27 Emma Whitfield......   1   1  1  1  76           D   19 Carrie Dew..........   -   -  -  -  90
M   29 Crysti Howser.......   1   -  -  1  89           M   24 Jill Krivacek.......   1   1  -  1  70
     ---------- Substitutes ----------                       ---------- Substitutes ----------
    0  Susan Starr.........   -   -  -  -  45               11 Annie Schefter......   1   1  -  -  51
    5  Jamie Ortega........   -   -  -  -   1               12 Ashley Jones........   -   -  -  -  50
    6  April Suida.........   -   -  -  -  25               13 Maggie Manning......   2   1  -  -  20
    9  Lindsey Weening.....   -   -  -  -   1               14 Jenny Walz..........   -   -  -  -  10
    12 Erin Ruck...........   -   -  -  -   1               15 Lizzie Reed.........   -   -  -  -  10
    14 Kristen Anderson....   -   -  -  -   0               17 Susan Pinnick.......   2   1  1  -  20
    17 Trista Choksi.......   -   -  -  -  14               21 Claire Gallerano....   -   -  -  -   3
    18 Alicia Fujii........   -   -  -  -  14                  Totals..............  23  11  5  6
    22 Jessica Berggren....   -   -  -  -   1
       Totals..............   6   3  2  2

Yale                                                    Notre Dame
## Player                 MIN  GA Saves                 ## Player                 MIN  GA Saves
---------------------------------------                 ---------------------------------------
1  Chloe Beizer........  45:00  3     5                 1  Erika Bohn..........  90:00  2     1
0  Susan Starr.........  45:00  2     1

Shots by period       1  2  Tot                         Saves by period       1  2  Tot
-------------------------------                         -------------------------------
Yale................  4  2 -  6                         Yale................  4  2 -  6
Notre Dame.......... 13 10 - 23                         Notre Dame..........  1  0 -  1

Corner kicks          1  2  Tot                         Fouls                 1  2  Tot
-------------------------------                         -------------------------------
Yale................  0  2 -  2                         Yale................  8  8 - 16
Notre Dame..........  5  3 -  8                         Notre Dame..........  6  7 - 13

GOAL   Time Team     Goal Scorer              Assists                                  Description
 1.   15:39 ND       Amanda Cinalli (10)      Katie Thorlakson; Christie Shaner        gets ball on top of goalie box and shoot
 2.   21:18 ND       Brittany Bock (11)       (unassisted)                             gets ball, beats two inside box and shoo
 3.   31:11 YALE     Laurel Karnes (7)        Emma Whitfield                           takes pass and squeezes shot by keeper i
 4.   39:16 ND       Susan Pinnick (7)        Katie Thorlakson                         runs onto dummied cross and taps into ri
 5.   50:40 YALE     Emma Whitfield (8)       Crysti Howser                            receives through ball and shoots past ke
 6.   63:42 ND       Kerri Hanks (27)         Amanda Cinalli; Jill Krivacek            receives ball from wall pass and shoots
 7.   84:45 ND       Kerri Hanks (28)         Katie Thorlakson                         receives pass in front of goal and shoot

YC-YALE #21 (57:00)

Officials: Referee: Kelly Ross; Asst. Referee: Eric Boria; Dawn Winters;
Alt. Official: Rene Torres;
Offsides: Yale 1, Notre Dame 5.

Shot Chart

                                   Shot Chart
                      2005 Notre Dame Women's Soccer Stats
        #22 Yale vs #5 Notre Dame (Nov 18, 2005 at Notre Dame, Indiana)

                                     |     |

        B: close left wing       A: in the box            C: close right wing

        E: far left wing         D: top of box            F: far right wing
                                   29                       13

                                    Notre Dame
                                     |     |

        B: close left wing       A: in the box            C: close right wing
          11S                       5*G*

        E: far left wing         D: top of box            F: far right wing
          13S                       8b

       SYMBOLS: *G*=Goal  S=Save  w=Wide/High  p=Post/Crossbar  b=Blocked

                               Team Shot Summary

 Yale                                     Notre Dame
 -------------------------                -------------------------
 BLOCKED BY DEFENSE          1            BLOCKED BY DEFENSE          4
 SHOTS OFF TARGET            2            SHOTS OFF TARGET            8
 POSTS                       0            POSTS                       0
 SHOTS ON TARGET             3            SHOTS ON TARGET            11
   SAVED BY GOALIE           1              SAVED BY GOALIE           6
   GOALS SCORED              2              GOALS SCORED              5
Soccer Game Summary

                          Soccer Game Summary (Final)
                      2005 Notre Dame Women's Soccer Stats
        #22 Yale vs #5 Notre Dame (Nov 18, 2005 at Notre Dame, Indiana)

 Yale (15-4-1) vs. Notre Dame (22-2-0)
 Date: Nov 18, 2005  Attendance: 768

 Goals by period       1  2  Tot
 Yale................  1  1 -  2
 Notre Dame..........  3  2 -  5

  1.  15:39 ND Amanda Cinalli (10) (Katie Thorlakson;Christie Shaner) - gets ball on top of goalie box and shoot
  2.  21:18 ND Brittany Bock (11) (unassisted) - gets ball, beats two inside box and shoo
  3.  31:11 YALE Laurel Karnes (7) (Emma Whitfield) - takes pass and squeezes shot by keeper i
  4.  39:16 ND Susan Pinnick (7) (Katie Thorlakson) - runs onto dummied cross and taps into ri
  5.  50:40 YALE Emma Whitfield (8) (Crysti Howser) - receives through ball and shoots past ke
  6.  63:42 ND Kerri Hanks (27) (Amanda Cinalli;Jill Krivacek) - receives ball from wall pass and shoots
  7.  84:45 ND Kerri Hanks (28) (Katie Thorlakson) - receives pass in front of goal and shoot

 Shots: Yale 6, Notre Dame 23
 Saves: Yale 6 (Susan Starr 1; Chloe Beizer 5), Notre Dame 1 (Erika
 Bohn 1)

Play-by-Play Summary

                               Play-by-Play Summary (1st period)
                              2005 Notre Dame Women's Soccer Stats
                #22 Yale vs #5 Notre Dame (Nov 18, 2005 at Notre Dame, Indiana)

      Yale Starters:                           Notre Dame Starters:
      G   1  Chloe Beizer                      G   1  Erika Bohn
      D   3  Hayley Zevenbergen                F   2  Kerri Hanks
      M   4  Christina Huang                   D   4  Kim Lorenzen
      M   13 Laurel Karnes                     F   5  Amanda Cinalli
      D   16 Eleni Benson                      F   7  Katie Thorlakson
      F   20 Mimi Macauley                     D   8  Candace Chapman
      D   21 Mary Kuder                        M   9  Jen Buczkowski
      D   25 Natasha Mann                      M   10 Brittany Bock
      M   26 Maggie Westfal                    D   18 Christie Shaner
      F   27 Emma Whitfield                    D   19 Carrie Dew
      M   29 Crysti Howser                     M   24 Jill Krivacek

      [00:00] Chloe Beizer at goalie for YALE.
      [00:00] Erika Bohn at goalie for ND.
      [00:41] Offside against ND.
      [03:30] Foul on YALE Kristen Anderson.
      [04:06] Foul on ND Kerri Hanks.
      [07:11] Foul on ND Jen Buczkowski.
      [10:28] Corner kick by ND Katie Thorlakson.
      [10:41] Shot by ND Candace Chapman BLOCKED {shot from top of box}.
      [11:09] Corner kick by ND Katie Thorlakson.
      [11:35] Corner kick by ND Katie Thorlakson.
      [13:03] Foul on YALE Laurel Karnes.
      [13:57] Offside against ND.
      [15:39] GOAL by ND Amanda Cinalli (FIRST GOAL) {shot from in the box}, Assist by Katie
             Thorlakson and Christie Shaner, goal number 10 for season.

====================  YALE 0, NOTRE DAME 1

      *gets ball on top of goalie box and shoots into left net
      [17:18] Corner kick by ND Katie Thorlakson.
      [17:27] Shot by ND Jen Buczkowski BLOCKED {shot from top of box}.
      [17:31] Shot by ND Jill Krivacek, SAVE Chloe Beizer {shot from in the box}.
      [19:43] Shot by ND Kerri Hanks WIDE RIGHT {shot from top of box}.
      [20:29] Offside against ND.
      [21:18] GOAL by ND Brittany Bock {shot from in the box}, goal number 11 for season.

====================  YALE 0, NOTRE DAME 2

      *gets ball, beats two inside box and shoots past keeper into left net
      [23:01] ND substitution: Annie Schefter for Brittany Bock.
      [23:20] Corner kick by ND Katie Thorlakson.
      [25:13] Shot by YALE Laurel Karnes WIDE LEFT {shot from far right wing}.
      [25:55] Foul on YALE Christina Huang.
      [26:57] Foul on ND Katie Thorlakson.
      [28:51] Shot by ND Jen Buczkowski, SAVE Chloe Beizer {shot from in the box}.
      [29:14] Shot by ND Katie Thorlakson BLOCKED {shot from in the box}.
      [29:42] Shot by ND Kerri Hanks, SAVE Chloe Beizer {shot from top of box}.
      [30:14] ND substitution: Ashley Jones for Jill Krivacek.
      [31:11] GOAL by YALE Laurel Karnes {shot from in the box}, Assist by Emma Whitfield,
             goal number 7 for season.

====================  YALE 1, NOTRE DAME 2

      *takes pass and squeezes shot by keeper into right side of net
      [31:11] ND substitution: Susan Pinnick for Amanda Cinalli.
      [31:11] ND substitution: Maggie Manning for Kerri Hanks.
      [31:11] YALE substitution: Trista Choksi for Mimi Macauley.
      [31:11] YALE substitution: April Suida for Maggie Westfal.
      [31:11] YALE substitution: Alicia Fujii for Emma Whitfield.
      [33:20] Foul on ND Ashley Jones.
      [33:42] Shot by YALE Crysti Howser WIDE LEFT {shot from top of box}.
      [35:26] Shot by ND Maggie Manning WIDE RIGHT {shot from top of box}.
      [35:31] Foul on YALE Christina Huang.
      [35:56] Foul on ND Katie Thorlakson.
      [37:24] Foul on YALE Trista Choksi.
      [39:16] GOAL by ND Susan Pinnick {shot from in the box}, Assist by Katie Thorlakson,
             goal number 7 for season.

====================  YALE 1, NOTRE DAME 3

      *runs onto dummied cross and taps into right netting
      [40:07] Foul on YALE Crysti Howser.
      [40:17] Shot by ND Maggie Manning, SAVE Chloe Beizer {shot from far left wing}.
      [40:41] Foul on YALE Trista Choksi.
      [42:02] Shot by YALE Laurel Karnes, SAVE Erika Bohn {shot from in the box}.
      [41:56] Foul on ND Jen Buczkowski.
      [42:54] Shot by ND Susan Pinnick WIDE LEFT {shot from top of box}.
      [43:30] Foul on YALE Eleni Benson.
      End of period [45:00].

                               Play-by-Play Summary (2nd period)

      Start of 2nd period [45:00].
      [45:23] Foul on ND Annie Schefter.
      For YALE: #21 Mary Kuder, #20 Mimi Macauley, #16 Eleni Benson, #29 Crysti Howser, #13
             Laurel Karnes, #26 Maggie Westfal, #25 Natasha Mann, #27 Emma Whitfield, #3
             Hayley Zevenbergen, #0  Susan Starr, #4  Christina Huang.
      [46:19] Offside against YALE.
      For ND: #1  Erika Bohn, #4  Kim Lorenzen, #18 Christie Shaner, #5  Amanda Cinalli, #11
             Annie Schefter, #10 Brittany Bock, #24 Jill Krivacek, #7  Katie Thorlakson, #19
             Carrie Dew, #12 Ashley Jones, #2  Kerri Hanks.
      [46:48] Shot by ND Annie Schefter, SAVE Chloe Beizer {shot from close left wing}.
      [45:00] Susan Starr at goalie for YALE.
      [48:15] Shot by YALE Mimi Macauley BLOCKED {shot from top of box}.
      [48:58] Foul on YALE Hayley Zevenbergen.
      [49:28] Header Shot by ND Christie Shaner WIDE RIGHT {shot from in the box}.
      [50:40] GOAL by YALE Emma Whitfield {shot from in the box}, Assist by Crysti Howser,
             goal number 8 for season.

====================  YALE 2, NOTRE DAME 3

      *receives through ball and shoots past keeper
      [51:22] Offside against ND.
      [52:26] ND substitution: Jen Buczkowski for Annie Schefter.
      [54:24] Foul on YALE Eleni Benson.
      [56:03] Offside against ND.
      [56:53] Foul on YALE Mary Kuder.
      [57:00] Yellow card on YALE Mary Kuder.
      [57:03] Shot by ND Katie Thorlakson WIDE RIGHT {shot from top of box}.
      [58:16] Foul on YALE Mary Kuder.
      [60:04] Corner kick by ND Katie Thorlakson.
      [60:37] Foul on YALE Mary Kuder.
      [61:13] Shot by ND Christie Shaner, SAVE Susan Starr {shot from in the box}.
      [61:48] Corner kick by ND Katie Thorlakson.
      [61:55] Shot by ND Amanda Cinalli HIGH {shot from top of box}.
      [63:42] GOAL by ND Kerri Hanks {shot from in the box}, Assist by Amanda Cinalli and
             Jill Krivacek, goal number 27 for season.

====================  YALE 2, NOTRE DAME 4

      *receives ball from wall pass and shoots past keeper
      [64:48] Shot by ND Brittany Bock WIDE LEFT {shot from top of box}.
      [65:55] Foul on ND Brittany Bock.
      [68:18] ND substitution: Lizzie Reed for Katie Thorlakson.
      [68:18] ND substitution: Annie Schefter for Amanda Cinalli.
      [69:36] Foul on ND Carrie Dew.
      [69:58] YALE substitution: April Suida for Maggie Westfal.
      [70:22] Corner kick by YALE Laurel Karnes.
      [71:34] Foul on ND Brittany Bock.
      [72:43] Foul on ND Ashley Jones.
      [73:31] ND substitution: Katie Thorlakson for Lizzie Reed.
      [73:31] ND substitution: Jenny Walz for Ashley Jones.
      [77:04] YALE substitution: Maggie Westfal for Mimi Macauley.
      [77:23] Corner kick by YALE Laurel Karnes.
      [78:29] Foul on ND Annie Schefter.
      [80:20] YALE substitution: Mimi Macauley for April Suida.
      [81:27] Foul on YALE Emma Whitfield.
      [83:00] Foul on YALE Christina Huang.
      [83:39] Shot by ND Kerri Hanks WIDE LEFT {shot from top of box}.
      [83:47] ND substitution: Ashley Jones for Jenny Walz.
      [84:45] GOAL by ND Kerri Hanks {shot from in the box}, Assist by Katie Thorlakson, goal
             number 28 for season.

====================  YALE 2, NOTRE DAME 5

      *receives pass in front of goal and shoots past keeper
      [85:24] ND substitution: Susan Pinnick for Brittany Bock.
      [85:24] ND substitution: Maggie Manning for Katie Thorlakson.
      [85:24] ND substitution: Lizzie Reed for Kerri Hanks.
      [86:00] Corner kick by ND Annie Schefter.
      [86:31] ND substitution: Claire Gallerano for Jill Krivacek.
      [88:25] Shot by ND Jen Buczkowski BLOCKED {shot from top of box}.
      [88:42] Foul on YALE Crysti Howser.
      [89:11] YALE substitution: Lindsey Weening for Maggie Westfal.
      [89:11] YALE substitution: Erin Ruck for Mimi Macauley.
      [89:11] YALE substitution: Jessica Berggren for Natasha Mann.
      [89:11] YALE substitution: Jamie Ortega for Crysti Howser.
      [89:52] Foul on ND Maggie Manning.
      End of period [90:00].

====================  YALE 2, NOTRE DAME 5